Mysophobia: What Is Fear of Germs and Dirt


Mysophobia, also known as fear of germs or dirt, is a mental health condition that can really impact your daily life. People with mysophobia may avoid certain situations, develop compulsive cleaning habits or struggle with social interactions because of fear of contamination. In this article we’ll go over the meaning, symptoms, causes and treatment options for mysophobia and answer your questions.

Mysophobia: What Is Fear of Germs and Dirt
What is Mysophobia?

Mysophobia, derived from the Greek words "mysos" (uncleanness) and "phobos" (fear), means fear of germs, dirt or contamination. It’s not just about being clean but irrational fear that can impact your daily life.

Symptoms of Mysophobia

Physical Symptoms: Sweating, rapid heartbeat or nausea when you’re in a dirty or germ situation.

Behavioral Symptoms:

Excessive handwashing or cleaning.

Avoiding public places or crowded areas.

Wearing gloves or masks unnecessarily.

Emotional Symptoms: Persistent anxiety, fear of contamination or distress when in an unclean environment.

Mysophobia vs. Germophobia

The terms "mysophobia" and "germophobia" are used interchangeably but germophobia specifically means fear of germs while mysophobia means fear of dirt and contamination.

Mysophobia vs. OCD

Mysophobia is similar to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), especially contamination OCD. But OCD involves intrusive thoughts and rituals that may not always be related to cleanliness while mysophobia is mainly about avoiding germs and dirt.

Mysophobia Causes


Traumatic experiences (e.g. serious illness).

Family history of anxiety disorders.

Cultural or societal emphasis on cleanliness.

How is Mysophobia Diagnosed

A mental health professional can diagnose mysophobia by looking at symptoms, how they impact your daily life and any co-occurring conditions like OCD or other phobias.

Mysophobia Treatment

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Challenges and changes your irrational fears.

Exposure Therapy: Gradual exposure to the feared situation to reduce anxiety.

Medications: Anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications.

Relaxation Techniques: Mindfulness, meditation or deep breathing exercises.

Mysophobia FAQs

Mysophobia Test: There’s no official test but online questionnaires or consult a therapist.

Mysophobia Definition: Fear of germs, dirt or contamination.

Is Mysophobia Curable?: Yes, with therapy and in some cases medication.

Mysophobia in Pop Culture

Celebrities: Howie Mandel, a comedian and TV host, has talked about his mysophobia.

Anime: Some anime characters show traits of mysophobia, it’s in the culture.

How to Live with Mysophobia

Mysophobia needs therapy, loved ones and self help like setting small goals to face fears.


Mysophobia is manageable. Knowing the symptoms, causes and treatment can help you live better. If you or someone you know has mysophobia, get professional help today.


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